Merged Seniority List Compiled According to Process in AFA-CWA Constitution
The merged seniority list is compiled as reported to AFA members since the merger of United/Continental/Continental Micronesia was first announced in 2010. The Constitution is clear and backed up by federal law. Nothing has changed and nothing can change about your seniority protections. Read more >
Probationary Flight Attendants Rights Under the RLA
The Railway Labor Act provides airline employees with the right to participate in all activities in support of their Union. Though probationary Flight Attendants do not become AFA members until the end of their probation, they can participate in all AFA activities, including the wearing of AFA pins, lanyards and bag-tags and walking the picket lines to show their support for their certified bargaining representative, prior to becoming AFA members. Read more >
What’s Happening With These Hedge Funds and United’s Board?
Hedge Funds Attempt to Maintain Control of United Cash
Activist Hedge Funds: Claims vs. Truth
If It Sounds Awful It’s Probably Untrue
We represent Flight Attendants of each pre-merger airline and yet we share one common goal: negotiating a joint contract that works for all Flight Attendants and one which you can ratify. We are making good progress at the table with a single position among our JNC. One person continues to attempt to take us off course and encourage division by spreading complete fabrications or half truths. This undermines our negotiations and the very purpose of the union to collectively bargain through the power of the United membership.
Please consider this one point of reference when reading social media – if it sounds just awful it’s probably untrue. Get the facts from your Union leaders and get involved in helping to share the truth. We need each of you to help us exercise the power of an informed, engaged work force as we fight for the contract you want to ratify. Read more >
There Was Never a Proposal for a Contract Extension
We are writing to clear up stated inaccuracies of what took place during the October 2015 discussions with management that led to the Letters of Agreement to extend 2015 profit sharing to Continental and CMI Flight Attendants. First, both pre-merger CAL and CMI contracts provide for continued payout of profit sharing through mutual agreement between AFA and United. Read more >
What Has AFA Done For Me?
The rest provision amendment did not happen overnight. It took years of hard work. But AFA worked hard and got it done. Working with government officials takes time and effort from skilled union officers who work tirelessly to advance the interests of Flight Attendants. You have already seen past results – married women can be Flight Attendants, smoking is no longer allowed onboard, and discriminatory weight restrictions have been banned. Without a strong Government Affairs Department and the support of our brothers and sisters at other unions, none of this could have been accomplished. Read more >