The unions at United Airlines agree: Don’t Sign a Card.
The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) collaborates with other unions at United including ALPA, IAM, PAFCA and Teamsters, on numerous projects to support and improve the careers and quality of life of Flight Attendants and all airline workers.
These Unions encourage Flight Attendants to reject any attempt to weaken our voices at United and throughout the industry by forming a group backed by union busting attorneys.
IAM Supports AFA |
ALPA Supports AFA |
PAFCA Supports AFA |
Teamsters Support AFA |
“Seham was also behind PFAA. He gave bad legal advice and left the NWA Flight Attendants in a bad way during the bankruptcy. NWA management played up to them – even letting their supporters wear the PFAA pin during their card drive. Seham’s specialty is promoting anger and converting it into billable hours. These are really bad people. Let me know if I can do anything to help United Flight Attendants and their representation with AFA.” David, former Northwest Flight Attendant and activist