AFA-CWA’s mission, as a member-driven union, is to unite all professional Flight Attendants in order to achieve fair compensation, job security, seniority protections, and improved quality of life through organizing, bargaining and political action while serving as the leading voice for a safe, healthy and secure aircraft cabin for passengers and crew alike.
We promote economic and social justice for all workers through education and action. We have a proud history of making change together and AFA’s members will continue to drive positive change for our future through our union of, by and for Flight Attendants.
What Has AFA Done For Me?
Working with government officials takes time and effort from skilled union officers who work tirelessly to advance the interests of Flight Attendants. You have already seen past results – married women can be Flight Attendants, smoking is no longer allowed onboard, and discriminatory weight restrictions have been banned. Without a strong Government Affairs Department and the support of our brothers and sisters at other unions, none of this could have been accomplished. READ MORE >
What Flight Attendants Need to Know about Zika
The Zika virus is causing current world-wide concern due to a possible risk of birth defects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has sent out numerous travel alerts and the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
AFA is working with airlines, government and public health officials to ensure we have the best possible information about the virus and policies in place to support Flight Attendant health and address Flight Attendant concerns. Learn more about the Zika virus and access AFA resources >
AFA-CWA Brings DOT and FCC Together to Assess Security of Commercial Communication Onboard the Aircraft
AFA has worked diligently for two years to bring direct stakeholders, from intelligence to military to private, together to assess potential vulnerabilities of expanded technology onboard the airplane. Last week, our work paid off — the DOT and FCC announced a formal Working Group to ensure safe and secure communications onboard commercial aircraft.
“AFA is in support of advanced technology and continued innovation in aviation,” said AFA International President Sara Nelson. “Due diligence is required in order to avoid the failures of pre 9/11. Assessing vulnerabilities and mitigation factors is a small investment for the protection of millions of lives traveling in our skies every day.” Read the full story >
This important work for Flight Attendant and aviation security is only possible because AFA members have demanded throughout the years that we maintain the resources in our union to ensure we have experts on staff and a consistent voice on Flight Attendant issues in Washington, DC and around the world. We are relentless and respected for our work to ensure safe, secure skies. This is an example of the benefits of working together for our profession across multiple airlines. Stronger Together, Better Together.
Register to Rally for Rest at the U.S. Capitol on March 16
The FAA reauthorization draft bill has been introduced in the House. We have built strong bi-partisan support for 10 hours minimum rest for Flight Attendants, but we need action to get it cemented in the bill.
We have the chance to significantly improve rest and combat fatigue by changing the law that will determine federal regulations. We have improved industry standards through negotiations and we will continue to fight for proper rest at the negotiating table. But now, standing up together, we can raise the standards across the industry all at once.
Our Fightfor10 campaign has set the stage for us to achieve an extraordinary leg up for our entire profession. It’s about safety, health and equality – and it will take every one of us taking part in pushing to get this done. We call on all Flight Attendants to Rally for Rest on March 16th! Register now >
Cabin Air Quality
AFA’s efforts to improve the cabin environment span the last three decades. From advocating for smoke free skies to today’s current discussions on air quality, AFA remains steadfast…. The union advocates that the airline industry either end the use of engine bleed air for cabin air supply or utilize filters to halt the circulation of contaminated air. Current bleed air systems can introduce potentially toxic engine oil fumes into the cabin.
“AFA continues to lead the fight for better air quality in our aircraft,” said AFA International President Sara Nelson, who also serves as the Chair of the International Transport Workers Federation Air Quality Committee. “Most Americans go to work with the expectation of breathing clean air, but until we achieve better standards for cabin air quality, Flight Attendants don’t have this guarantee. Flight Attendants deserve clean air in their workspace, just as travelers deserve clean air when they travel.” Learn more >